不過現在的我要實行應該是有困難度的吧!一來我自己放不下蔡寶寶,二來公公也不太贊成我丟下蔡寶寶去工作,甚至他希望我就趕快接著再生一個然後就全心照顧兩個小孩就好了!好累喔!!搞到最後連我自己都不知道自己到底要什麼了,這段時間常常覺得心情很不好,很容易發怒,一點點小事情就可以讓我氣得七竅生煙!我不是故意的,但我控制不了我自己!!我很怕這樣的情緒會影響蔡寶寶,所以我想我需要發洩,只是我連怎麼去發洩,如何去發洩都不知道啊...... 植牙,牙齒美白,牙齒矯正,居家看護,接睫毛,光療指甲,假髮,增髮,彩妝教學,人力派遣,花店,台北花店,花店外送,鳳梨酥,土鳳梨酥,牛軋糖,禮車,機場接送,宜蘭民宿,租車,喜帖
目前分類:Motoroil (2)
- Aug 12 Mon 2013 11:36
現在的我要實行應該是有困難度的吧! motor oil
- Jun 22 Sat 2013 13:22
What does the SAE Viscosity rating on your Motoroil bottle mean?
How do they come up with this rating . . .really?
Most of the time when viscosity is explained words are used that are too technical for the average person to quickly grasp. This leaves them still wondering what the viscosity numbers really mean on a bottle of motor oil. Simply put, viscosity is the oil's resistance to flow or, for the layman, an oil's speed of flow as measured through a device known as a viscometer. The thicker (higher viscosity) of an oil, the slower it will flow. You will see oil viscosity measurement in lube articles stated in kinematic (kv) and absolute (cSt) terms. These are translated into the easier to understand SAE viscosity numbers you see on an oil bottle.